Sunday 15 September 2013

Blessings Realised

It goes without saying that the last week or so has been a pretty whirlwind one for me.

Having dated from afar the last two and a bit years, having the girl I love beside me permanently and pursuing such an exciting mission for God with her (and other such great people as I get to know them more and more) is obviously a huge blessing to me.

For those who are interested, Caitlin is settling in really well and really enjoying the work she is doing, loving her house, getting on great with her housemates and generally loving it so far.

My reason for writing though...

Right now life reminds me that cliches such as 'living on cloud nine' do have metaphorical, if not scientific, truth to them.

This morning at Church I dwelt on this and I realised that the feeling of completion and happiness I have at having Caitlin here with me has been felt before. Actually, it has been felt very often. It's the way I feel every time I step into God's Presence.

Throughout all the highs and lows of my Christian walk, God has been there for me and lifted me up where I needed it, supported me, been strong for me when I was weak and best of all fulfilled me and completed me in Him.

I was, we were, made to know God and be in relationship with Him. Today I was reminded of that and I know that whatever ups and downs are ahead, I can face the future with confidence and certainty that my God, our God, will be with me all the way, giving me life to the full.

My fullness is in Him and nothing else. Praise God :-)

'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me'

Jesus Christ - John 14:6, the Bible

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