Thursday 18 August 2011

PCY Camp 2011!

I said I would blog on the recent PCY Camp, which we hold every year at Pembrey Park in Llanelli, so here it is!
I have to say that the 2011 edition of Camp was the best yet personally. What set this year apart was how much fun we all had and the wonderful atmopshere all around Camp. The feeling of wishing I was still there lasted longer than it had before. I guess it's a taste of what Heaven will be like, sharing super-fun and worshipful fellowship with great friends and brothers/sisters in Christ! I am already excited for 2012.

Apart from the two guys far left, these were the boys in my tent - Tent 1! :-) I must say they played a great part in it being such a great week. We had a lot of fun and everyone treated each other with love and respect. It was wonderful to see them encouraged in their faith and two of them give their lives to Christ. I was also blessed to see them be more like the people God made them to be!

This is Me with my second cousin Sam. Sam & Joanna came to Camp for the first time. It was the first time I had seen them in 6 years! It was a pleasure to get to know them again and see the fun, friendly and faithful people they had become :) This picture also give an indication to the fun we had on Camp, particularly with the £1.20 shop!!

Lastly I give thanks to God for all He did on Camp! I know of 4 commitments and many, many hearts and lives changed and encouraged for Him. I am so excited to see what He does in our lives, the happiness He will bring, the purpose He will give and the product of 50 people leaving Camp with their minds on serving God. This was all His Work and it's the greatest privilege ever to be a part of it, not just at Camp but all year around. THANK YOU LORD!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 119:1

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

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