Monday 22 August 2011

Results Day

As the beautiful summer weather ceases, it is like a picture of the academic year finally ceasing.

Mid to late August is the time every year where students find out the product of a year's work, the exam results! Whether you are GCSE, A Level or doing a professional qualification the day usually means a lot of nervousness and excitement and then happiness or sadness depending on how you did.

Today I found out my fate and I am pleased to report that I did pretty much as I had expected, which was quite well. I passed three of the four exams at this level, with the one failure being one I saw coming due to the exam paper asking questions we hadn't quite studied in class! I will get to re-sit this exam in December with my next two exams and I hope for another three passes!!

It got me thinking however, one day we face the ultimate result. The result of a lifetime of living our lives. When I got the text with my results on I went from the unknown to the known in a matter of a second. Likewise, when our lives finally end we will go from the unknown to the known in a short amount of time.

Hebrews 4:13 states that we all have a meeting scheduled with God upon our deaths, where our lives will be judged.

Just as it's pass or fail or getting the grade you want or not, it's Eternity with God or Eternity without God. This is better known as Heaven or Hell. Of course, Heaven & Hell have been mis-represented to much on this world through TV, books and other media that it is not hard to think it is just a fairy story.

The Bible is clear that Heaven and Hell are a reality. Jesus refers to Hell on three occasions in Mark 9. In Luke 23:43, whilst He is dying, He famously tells the robber on the cross next to Him that he will be with Him in Paradise that night.

We have all sinned, and have fallen short of the glory of God states Romans 3:23. This is terrible news because it means we have failed to meet the requirements to enter Heaven.

But this is the good news - Romans 10:9...."That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

YOU WILL BE SAVED. That is a promise from God and the Bible shows that, time and time again, God doesn't fail to keep His Promises. Everything God has said will pass, has passed. Jesus came to die on the cross for our sins, that was the main thing He came for, for us. Martin Luther called it, 'The Great Exchange' because Jesus took the punishment for all of our sin in exchange that we might have His perfect life and be able to pass that meeting with God.

The evidence for Jesus rising from the dead is extremely convincing. Atheists have tried to disprove it and failed, some actually converting to Christianity because of the strength of the evidence, which I will post more about this week.

So when it's time for your result, do you know that it is going to be? Do you have confidence? Or will you wait nervously like so many others and just see what happens. Some people can fluke exams, you cannot fluke past God who knows everything.

He Loves you so much, call on Him tonight and make your peace with the one who made you. Those who seek Him with their heart, will find Him. (Jer 29:13)

God Bless you, and I hope your exam results went great!

1 comment:

  1. Congradulations Mike! So pleased to hear that you did well in the exams.
