Tuesday 22 November 2011

A-Z of Christianity 'F'

One of those words banded about a lot in society today. There are different faiths, different faith groups. Keep the faith is uttered by leaders. What does this word mean?

The Bible says that 'faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.' (Hebrews 11:1).

Atheists like to claim that faith is 'blind'. That is a load of tripe (not unlike other things said by that group). Faith is  based on knowledge of who God is, a Loving, Faithful, Just & Righteous God and faith is therefore putting our trust in Him because we know we can trust Him. 

My question, like John Lennox's in his debate with Richard Dawkins, is how do you trust your spouse? It always has this element of blindness because we can't know for sure but we do know because of the way they have treated us in the past (God has been so good to me!) and because of their character (God is perfect).

In God, we are sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see as He can do anything and has proved time and time again by His miracles and answers to prayer.

Christianity is about faith because we cannot please God without faith. Our faith in Christ saves us through acceptance of His offer of forgiveness and Salvation.

To finish, I love this definition of faith.

Blessings, Mike! :-)

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