'I am not good enough to be a Christian'
Let me get this straight, none of us are good enough to go to Heaven. The standard for Heaven is perfection and only Jesus has lived a perfect life BUT
Jesus died for imperfect people
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
God doesn't just say He Loves us, He demonstrated it through Jesus. Christ gave up His perfect life on the cross in exchange for all of our imperfections. Martin Luther called it 'The Great Exchange'.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
This offer is open to anyone in this world.
Jesus helped imperfect people
- John 8:1-11 - Jesus defends a prostitute and forgives her when others want to stone her.
- John 4:1-26 - Jesus speaks an adulteress who has been through five divorces.
- Luke 19:1-10 - Jesus eats at a Tax collectors house, even when others condemn Him for it (V7)
Jesus picked imperfect disciples
- Peter denied Him three times but was forgiven and went onto be a warrior of the early Church.
- Paul persecuted and killed early Christians and called himself the 'Chief of Sinners' and confessed hardship at doing right (Romans 7:14-15)
- Thomas doubted Him when He returned
God turns the bad into good
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
I know that there have been lots of bad things happen in my life, but I can see how God used them for the greater purpose and some of my bad times have been a large contribution in the happiness I feel now. RT Kendall says that this is God showing us that we should not be guilty about the past, because it is forgiven and He has worked in into good.
As you can see, the disciples all let Jesus down, King David messed up with Bathsheba and Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Did this stop God working and doing great things in their lives? NO :-)
God loves you and He has cleared the way for you to be a Christian and be good enough for Him through Jesus. Don't waste any more time, who knows when Christ will return to bring judgement and Eternity for those who believe.