Monday, 28 March 2011

Misconceptions - 2. Evolution disproves God

This morning when I was driving to work I saw a fish symbol on the back of someones car - except with a difference. This fish had 'Darwin' written in the middle of it and also had two legs...inferring the concept of Evolution, that we have a common ancestor and evolved through time to become what we are now.

Personally, I disagree with Evolution because of one simple fact...there is no proof that any specie has ever evolved into another specie. There are two types of Evolution, micro and macro. Micro is species changing but remaining one specie. This accounts for the variety in many animals such as cats & dogs but not for how human beings or cats and dogs themselves came into being. (Genesis 30:25-43 describes this kind of evolution happening in Jacob's flock).

However, I do understand that some Christians accept Evolution and actually that doesn't bother me too much because...

Evolution does not explain the origin of life

For Evolution to work, life already has to be there to evolve. People who do not understand this issue tend to assume that Evolution is how life began when that is not even what any well educated Evolutionist would argue.

What I am saying is that even if we evolved, God is still a explanation for life's origin. These Christians would argue that Evolution is part of God's plan. However, as I have written already, I have serious reservations regarding Evolution.

So is there any alternative Scientific explanations for the origin of life?

I wrote about the dearth of knowledge and fact in this area the other day but let's see what a few major Atheist scientists say courtesy of Rabbi Moshe Averick's book, Nonsense of a High Order.

Dr Stuart Kauffman - 'We do not, in fact, know how or where life started...clearly none of theories are adequate'

Dr Richard Dawkins - 'but how did the whole process start?...nobody knows how it happened.

Dr Chris Willis - 'the biggest gap in Evolutionary theory remains the origin of life itself'

Dr Stanley Miller and Dr Leslie Orgel - 'It must be admitted from the beginning that we do not know how life began.'

Dr Robert Shapiro - 'The difference between a mixture of simple chemicals and a bacterium is much more profound than the gulf between a bacterium and an elephant.'

Dr Christopher McKay - 'The origin of life remains a scientific mystery...we do not know how life originated on the earth'.

I am confident enough in God to say that these guys will never find an explanation of how life could have occurred without God, because God created everything we stand/sit on today. Praise Him Indeed!


  1. At least atheist scientists will admit they are wrong and create thoerys and search for proof. That is progress. All christians do when they dont understand is stick GOD in the place of logic and and carry on blissfully ignorant.

  2. I think that is a very unfair criticism of Christians. There are a lot of Christian scientists out there doing some great work and their belief in God hasn't held them back at all and they argue that the understanding they have of God has helped them.

    Christians have had to suffer attacks from many atheists such as Dawkins and Hitchens and we have had to question a lot of the things we believe and find answers.

    I believe your response is more out of anger that Christians are doing this quite successfully at the moment and proving that a belief in God is actually a very sensible opinion to hold and some non Christian scientists have even confirmed this.

    It is interesting you have mentioned logic, where do the laws of logic (i.e the law of non contradiction) come from? They cannot have come from anything but an intelligent designer.

    I would argue that the Atheist position is the same to what you have argued. This was proven when Dawkins said in a radio interview 'I don't need evidence, I know it is true'. Atheists just place science in the place of logic and carry on blissfully ignorant.

    Creation is clear because of the fine tuning of the universe and the laws that govern it. Only a God can explain this so surely good science is to assume the only explanation as correct?

    Atheist Scientists who write off God as an explanation are being very scientific anyway, as the scientists job is surely to TEST assumptions rather than make them. It is no wonder they have found nothing, when they are missing out the only real sensible explanation.

  3. Lest I forget that Atheist Scientists opposed the Biblical belief that the universe had a beginning, because they put their faith that the Bible isn't true in the gaps. But just like Science found that the Bible was right on that one, it will find that it was right on a lot of other things too :-)

  4. I find it so sad that a person capable of produceing such a rational debate can believe in such fairytails as the bible. Its really quite sad.
    Christians suffering attack? Scientists are constantly un able to expand reasearch into areas which would benefit mankind because people like you clameing its not right to "play god". I find that statment quite intresting.
    When science has become able to produce the "miracles" you clame to only be within the power of god, christians clame it to be taboo. When the truth is that as science advances what little spaces of understanding that you cling to to prove your gods existance shrink. Despite your best efforts advancment in science continues and eventually the truth will be revealed .
    P.S - Posting perfectly rehearsed lines from varius speeches from your pastor wont sway my opinion the same way that logic wont sway yours. :)

  5. The Bible is one of the most backed up historical books there is. The book of Luke is the most reliable historical source in history, did you know that?

    The Bible changed my life. I didn't care much for it until I began reading it and I just knew it was true and putting it into practice in my life has confirmed it. It has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and I hope everyone is able to see this one day. Remember there are 6 million people in Britain and 2 billion in the world who believe this 'fairytale'.

    What scientific areas are you talking about? It certainly hasn't stopped them going ahead with other things in the past so why do they stop for this?

    Hmm, did you not read my example from the 19th century. Science backed up the beginning of time as told in the Bible. Science backed up the 'sphere' that Isaiah 40:22 describes the world as being (sphere is the hebrew word, NIV used circle)

    They are just two of many examples of the Bible being backed up. No archaelogical finding has ever contradicted the Bible, but many have gone on to back it up. Sergius Paulus, a random guy who had a passing mention in Acts, grave was found. He did exist and the Bible mentions him.

    I cannot wait for the truth to be revealed, because the day it does will be a day of great rejoicing for me.

    Again, where does logic come from? If you are going to use the argument of logic, I want to know where it comes from if you do not assume the existence of God.

  6. As true as it is that Christianity is most likely the religion with the most followers.
    There are also:
    1.2 billion Buddhists
    1.20 billion Muslims
    0.9 billion Hindu 's

    There is also Baha'i,Confucianism, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Wicca, Zoroastrianism, and Druidism.
    There's no point in quoting there figures I think it proves my point.

    Having numbers on your side doesn't mean your right.

    Logic - "logic is a way of reasoning involving a series of statements , each of which must be true."

    Where does it come from? By simple looking at the world around you and observing fact from fiction.How can this come from god? Understanding if something is true or false is a simple observation of evidence.

  7. My point is that a lot of people believe it so it obviously isn't as stupid as you think (as you called the Bible a fairytale). I have never accused Buddhists, Muslims or Hindus of being stupid even if I disagree with some of their beliefs.

    Nope you are right, it doesn't prove I am right but it proves it isn't as stupid as you think.

    I think you misunderstood me, I am asking where it came from as it where it first begun. The origin of logic can only be explained by a logical Creator because otherwise you are arguing that logic comes from non-logic, which really is silly.
