Friday, 28 January 2011

Cardboard Testimonies

I'll be honest, I'm outta testimonies! If you want to contribute yours for testimony friday please do so asap!
I love cardboard testimonies, how they simply tell a big story of someone's life. Give this video a check to see what I mean. What would you put on your cardboard testimony?


  1. i LOVE cardboard testimonies! We did it once when I was in college and with students around campus and it was incredible to see how each us has a unique story but God has redeemed and renewed all who are HIS :D

  2. What would your cardboard testimony be? :-)

  3. Hmm...I think there are a few I could put so it's hard to choose, but this is what I would probably choose (well something along these lines)...

    Longing to find worth from a dad...

    Called a Princess by my Father

    And yours would be??

  4. Yeah I'm with you in that I could think of a few :)

    I would go with:-

    Nothing without God

    Everything with God

    Your choice intrigues me, I think there is still an awful lot I don't know about you.

    I also take the opportunity to propose skype on monday night? :D

  5. Your cardboard testimony - such truth :D

    Really? Have I never told you my testimony? Hmm...If I've never told you about that then there is a lot you're missing!

    Well, I really really want to but I'm not sure if I'll be able to :( If I'm on maybe and if not sad days :(

    I miss you!

  6. I thought I had heard your testimony but I think there is a bit more that I don't know :)

    We should definately try and go for one night next week. Thursday night? The night before you leave haha. Will only have an easy audit on friday so can go a bit nuts aha :)

    Miss you too!!!!

  7. Hmm...well if that part was missing then I must have left out a pretty big chunk of my testimony.

    I would love to skype this week, but as we talked about yesterday - expect nothing and hope to be disappointed...if not we'll skype once I'm in SPAIN!!!!

    Have a wonderful day :D
