Saturday 24 December 2011

A Child is Born!

Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Today myself, my sister and one of the young ladies from Talbot Green went to Pontypridd to deliver leaflets telling people what Christmas is really about.

These leaflets are called tracts and the ones we had were like booklets and had information relating to each letter of Jesus' Name. I often find tracts quite overwhelming and feel a powerful, true message is a better said without it being in people's faces. I think the key to bringing people to Jesus is first meeting them at their level (no better demonstrated than by Jesus Himself).

It is pretty scary doing this as you don't know what reaction you will get. In some countries you would pay with your life and I'm glad Britain isn't that bad but you read horrible stuff in the News everyday and that tends to be the thing that comes to mind.

When we got to Pontypridd, it was raining and cold and didn't look good.

The answer to both these problems is to give it to God and watch God's Will be done. As it turns off the quite heavy rain stopped for 40 mins and no incident of any note whatsoever happened, we didn't even get any rude comments!

As if to show it was Him, the rain started again as soon as we reached my car!

What I really enjoyed about doing this in Pontypridd today, and in Talbot Green two weeks ago, is the feeling that this is what Christmas is truly about. Christmas was when God came down to show us that He loved us. He was living in utter perfection in Heaven. He didn't need to come down! But He wanted too. Not only that, He went and paid the price for every stupid and hurtful thing we have ever done as well.

Tomorrow I will recieve a lot of wonderful gifts (and on Boxing Day, too!! :D) but the gift I will be most thankful for is the gift that God gave us in Jesus, the Salvation of our lives forever.

Christmas is about telling others this Good News, imagine the Shepherds, the Kings and everyone who saw that star or Baby Jesus telling everyone!

Maybe one or two or four hundred others are in the same place tomorrow as a result of today and two weeks ago :D

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