Wednesday 28 December 2011

Florida Day Two

Hey everyone!

So yesterday I logged out before we went out for food with Caitlin's Grandad, his wife and his wife's grand-daughter, We went to this small diner that's local. It was a lot like a place you would find in Britain, the staff were really friendly and the food was good!

We hung out with them watching American Football afterwards but I eventually went to bed early as I was still recovering from the flight and tiredness.

I woke up strangely early this morning but used the time to read and relax a little and today has been a lovely, relaxing day so far :) We didn't do much in the morning but we swam for a couple of hours in the pool in Caitlin's house. It was so beautiful out, to my standards anyway. Caitlin's brother Ian thought we were crazy to swim in 'these conditions'. It is still well over 20 degrees at least!! Probably nearer 30!

We are about go out and explore the local town before going out for food again tonight :) Disney tomorrow!!

Hope everything is great back home :) feel free to ask questions or make comments about the blog or about what you have been up too! I am interested!

Love you all!

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

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