Tuesday 27 December 2011

Florida Day One

I'm here safe & sound and boy is it good to be here in Lake Placid! It is so hot & warm, it is better than any summer's day I have ever had in Britain! The air conditioning keeps it nice and cool too :-)

The flight was better than I thought, 10 hrs 40 mins scheduled time became 10 hrs and I managed to keep myself occupied for most of the flight although I didn't sleep!

Almost as soon as I stepped off the plane in Miami I knew where I was as out of the window there were exciting big city skyscrapers and, for a nice Floridian touch, palm trees!

My flight to Orlando was slightly delayed but was only half an hour. I was so so tired (5 hours sleep in three days) when I got there. However I mustered enough energy for Caitlin to take me to the Cheesecake Factory for food! 

I had almost gone there in Boston 5 years ago and I had always wanted to! It was such a lovely place to be with waterfalls outside the mall, it smelt a bit like Center Parcs inside the mall strangely. I had a burger which was very filling, the food and tiredness meant I took my cheesecake home (where I promptly had it for breakfast this morning!) as I wasn't feeling too great.

I met the family who have been very welcoming and fun, even though I haven't been quite myself until now due to my tiredness. The house is beautiful and I won't be able to resist the temptation of the swimming pool for long!

I am not sure what we are doing later but I hope to get out and explore a bit of the area :-)

Hope things are great back home, loving you and praying for you!

Psalm 136:26
Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever


  1. I'm super jealous of you getting to spend time with the Munro family and my Caitlin! Are you guys going to Disney? Does Caitlin still have those ugly dogs? Ask Daddy Munro about the mouse in the house! Hope you have lots of fun with my other family! :-)

  2. Yeah we're going tomorrow! I am really excited about that, the kid inside of me is still there!!

    Haha, well there are three dogs..Button's has 'Michael Jackson syndrome' and is turning white but I think the two little dogs, Jack and Jill are really cute!

    I will haha

    It's been super so far :) I am sad that I won't get to see you!

  3. I'm so glad that you got to go to Disney. Reading your blog, it seems like you had a great time. I'm really glad you got to get over to the states and spend some time with her. I know that I'll probably be hearing all about it from her. :-) Buttons is obnoxious. Ha! :-)

    I hope that I'll maybe be able to get on your side of the ocean sometime and head up there to Wales.

  4. It was amazing, just glad to be with her wherever it was :) great meeting her family too, they were awesome!

    Haha :)

    You are always welcome!! Blessings, Mike :)
