Saturday 17 December 2011

A to Z of Christianity : 'H'


The famous story goes of the women who, when hearing about special Christian Christmas stamps, stated that Christians try and get in on everything!

There have always been people who have tried to strip Christmas of it's true meaning and cause. From the supporters of calling it 'Happy Holidays' even right back to the first Christmas.

Judea was ruled by the Romans and their client king was the evil Herod the Great, a man whose greatness is rather muted by the fact he was a mass murderer who even murdered his own family.

On hearing that a 'King of the Jews' was to be born, Herod attempted to nip what he saw as a threat to himself in the bud by ordering the execution of all boys under the age of two - The Massacre of the Innocents.

Today we have organisations who try and make it as if they are acting for those who don't believe in Christmas when they really appear to be acting against those who do. Does the word Christmas actually harm anyone? Does anyone actually have an issue apart from insecure Atheists worried that their militant campaigns against faith are failing with the amount of Christians holding steady, improving even against levels before.

Don't let anyone or anything stop you celebrating the Reason for the Season this Christmas! JESUS :)

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