Sunday 1 January 2012

Florida Days Three to Six!

Well I have to begin by saying - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

2011 has been a year of change for me in good ways and bad ways and it feels very nice to start a new year where I can leave the bad behind and take the good with me into 2012 :) I hope everyone else feels the same and is able to do that. I think we dwell too much on the past and what has happened when I think God often wants us to concentrate on the now, how much He loves us NOW, how lots of our bad stuff is behind us NOW and how we can trust Him for the future NOW. That's my mini rant! :)

I must apologise for the lack of post the last few days, we have been away for most of it and I've had no opportunity to write.

So here goes!! The night after my last post we went to a restaurant by a beautiful big lake in Sebring. Me & Caitlin got some photos on the dock there. The food was really nice, I opted for home comforts with fish & chips and I can count it among the best fish & chips I have ever had! Caitlin's Dad tried the Fish Sandwich challenge and made an admirable effort but ultimately fell short. I think the challenge was designed to be pretty much impossible unless you wanted to die so we're all glad he fell short! For the first time, I tried a 'Gator Tail'. It was slightly concerning to eat alligator tail but it was very nice. It was breadcrumbed like a chicken nugget and tasted like a chicken nugget too. I give it a thumbs up! We watched American Football with Caitlin's Grandad and his wife and step grand-daughter (who was mega cute and fun!) who also came to the meal with us and it was relaxing despite me having to go to bed early due to tiredness!

The next day Caitlin showed me around the town of Lake Placid, which didn't take long! Her Mom wanted her to show me the murals there but apparently it's a horrific travelling experience so she didn't haha.

We (Me, Caitlin, her parents and her younger brother) then went up to Orlando and checked in at this beautiful hotel at Orange Lake. It is surely a four star place, maybe even five. It has a big swimming pool like the ones we used to go to as a family at France. We went and saw this beautiful beach and then went into Downtown Disney, looked around the shops, met Goofy and had our photo and ate at the Rainforest Cafe!! It's apparently a famous place and the prices confirmed that! It is set up like a rainforest even to the tune of it being really cold (suited me fine as a Welshman!). Randomly the lights would go out and a storm sound would roar across the restaurant!! It was a lot of fun!

The next day was DISNEY! We spent the day in the Magic Kingdom and it was a child's dream! The child inside of me was awakened in a big way and I absolutely loved the whole experience. It is like another Universe there, a big happy all-singing, all-dancing Universe and you can't help but smile there. In the night the big castle changed colours which was spectacular! I thought if Disney can make a world like this, imagine how great a world God has in store for us when we leave the earth?

My favourite rides were, firstly, the Splash Mountain, which sent you hurtling down a water shoot and get wet. None of the rides were as fast or exciting as even the big ones at Oakwood but at Disney it's about the story and experience of the rides. It also has to be useful for young children too, as they are what it's ultimately for!

Secondly I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. It was a boat trip through a town that had been invaded by Pirates and apparently inspired the film as it was there before it (although they have now added Jack Sparrow to the ride!) but the best bit was the sea. It really felt like you were in the middle of an Ocean, it was incredible!! Plus the boats around you were firing at each other, water was coming up and everything!

We managed to catch the Parade and go on 90% of the attractions and it was a day I'll never forget!

The next day we wandered around Orlando after watching the Man Utd/Blackburn game at 8 am with Caitlin's Dad (great match!!) and enjoyed a more slowly placed day. On the way home we went to Spook Hill, a mountain which apparently created an illusion you were going downhill when you were going uphill which I didn't quite feel haha. We also, in tribute to my country, went to Lake Wales..another beautiful Lake where we had fun taking pictures.

We saw in the New Year with Caitlin's Mom, Dad, Grandad and his wife and step grand-daughter (Caitlin's brother, Ian, had gone to Bahamas with some friends) with a fire, fireworks and fun family time.

Today we've been to Church which was really encouraging. I really loved the welcome feel, the Soul Survivor style worship and a great message on loving your brothers and sisters who are serve God. Spending time getting closer to God, feeling His Presence and knowing the reality of His Love and Promises is always time well spent!

It will be a slower placed day today, we are about to go swimming in the back garden! It is over 30 degrees C here, I imagine that is a contrast to Britain right now!

Having as wonderful, wonderful time, it's been absolutely amazing and more than I ever imagined. I have really enjoyed her family's company and I feel a part of the family already!

Going to miss this a lot the next few months!

Grace, Peace and Blessings to you all!

Love Michael :)

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

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