Friday, 1 July 2011

Misconceptions - Who created God?

"“Who created the creator?”  presents us with the philosophical dilemma of the infinitely regressing series of creators. Ultimately, both Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens (and perhaps Jerry Coyne also), base their denial of a Creator on the assumption that there is no answer to this question and we are therefore stuck with a naturalistic beginning. In other words, even though they admit that everything I have said up until now might be perfectly sensible or at least worthy of consideration, this particular philosophical question leaves us with no choice but to accept, that despite the utter improbability of a natural emergence of life it happened at least once because here we are. In the final analysis, the atheist denial of God is based not on science, but on philosophy. In fact, there is a rather elementary and obvious solution to the dilemma of who created the creator."

"Simply put, the philosophical dilemma of the infinitely regressing chain of creators is only applicable to a material being, not a transcendent being that exists in neither time nor space."


I'd like to refer to the Kalam Argument (William Lane Craig's version)

The Kalam Cosmological Argument:
  • Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
  • The universe began to exist.
  • Therefore, the universe has a cause.  
Something has to have caused the existence of the world! Something has to have always been there, something has to have not been created but have been there eternally and ignited the existence of everything we know and see around us.

I would suggest that a Creator God is the most sensible of any possibility for an eternal being. Having met this God personally and seen Him change my life, and the lives of people around me. I would suggest He is definitely the eternal being that put the Universe into existence.

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