Just imagine, imagine this scene for a second.
Someone comes to your house, knocks the door and asks to come in as they have something really important to tell you. You sit them down on the settee and they explain this to you...that thing, the most precious thing, the thing you really want most in the world exists. It is being held by someone who wants to give it to you and they are waiting in your local park, waiting for you to come and claim it.
One person responds by telling the person they are a liar and that it isn't true. They accuse the person of having their own motivations for wanting you to go to the park and play along. They never seek, they never even attempt to find out if what the person said was true.
One person is deeply confused and torn by what they have heard. They don't know whether to believe it or not and wander a little bit from their house in a little search to find it but give up before they reach the park They think that they don't really want the gift anyway and that once the person realises who they are they wouldn't give it to them anyway.
Another wanders to the park to see if the person is there. They go and see the person sitting on the swings. They go back to their house realising it was true but never go and claim the gift. Just seeing the person and believing they are there is as far as they ever go/
The next person goes to the person, takes the gift and enjoys it's wonder for a while before giving it back and going back to how they were beforehand. They don't believe it's really for them and are happier settling for life without the gift as it's feels more secure & comfortable to them.
The last takes the gift, they take it and keep it close to them forever because it's so precious to them and they see it's true value. They never let go and experience the wonderful benefits of that gift forever.
If you are the first person, you need to seek out this person and find out whether it's really true or not because you might just be missing out on the thing that will change your life forever. You need to at least say you looked good & hard for it.
If you are the second then you need to forget the lies the enemy feeds you and have the courage to find this out for yourself. Like the first person this can change your life forever and you need to have at least searched for it.
If you are the third person you haven't got fair enough to get any benefit from it, you might have seen it and you might believe it but the gift still isn't yours. Go further and see what happens.
If you are the fourth person, the person in the park is still there. You can claim that gift back and you have another chance. Make the most of it and trade what's easy for what is good. You only have one life so live it!
If you are the fifth then you are like me. I had a pretty miserable life until I found the greatest gift, that changed my life and the thing that I always needed. The gift is Salvation. The gift is relationship. The gift is God's Son. The gift is Jesus. Jesus doesn't discriminate, all those who want Him can have Him.
Whoever you are, whatever you've done, whatever you think of Christianity...God loves you and He wants you to seek Him today.
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Monday, 27 August 2012
The real haters
'Just as the city of Charlotte, N.C., gears up to host the Democratic National Convention, an atheist group is mounting a billboard campaign attacking the religious faiths of President Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney.
'Just as the city of Charlotte, N.C., gears up to host the Democratic National Convention, an atheist group is mounting a billboard campaign attacking the religious faiths of President Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney.
The signs, paid for by American Atheists Incorporated (AAI) and appearing along keylocal highways, include messages such as: "Christianity: Sadistic God, Useless Savior." and "Mormonism: Magic Underwear, Baptizes Dead People, Big Money, Big Bigotry." AAI President David Silverman told FoxNews.com the signs are aimed at keeping religion and politics separate as the convention gets under way Sept. 3.'
The anti-Christian billboard actually includes that Christianity 'Promotes Hate, and calls it love'.
Jesus stood against many things and many people in the Bible, one group he particularly opposed were the Pharisees and he often attacked their hypocrisy.
Using hate to fight against hate is hypocrisy. But then Atheist adverts usually always seek to denigrate faith groups, most often Christianity.
People who attack others such as bullies due to it due to their insecurity, could it simply be that they are insecure about the strength of their beliefs? Note that Christianity appeals to people telling people how great God is and what Jesus can do for you. From this evidence, Atheism appeals not by saying what is good about it or how it is right but by promoting hate against faith groups.
It's funny how 'Liberalism' tries to maintain that we should do whatever we want yet 'Liberal' groups seek to stop faith groups following their beliefs?
Isn't it strange how instead of combating religion these groups seek to stamp it out instead?
I think they are worried they would lose the fight, since truth prevails and the truth is with the group can justify how it can know truth!
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
God's Got This One
I'm going to be a little soppy here, and this is against what I usually like to do when writing or posting in the public domain but I'm just going to come out with it....I'm in love.
Most of you know it, some may not know much about it but there is a girl who I am crazy about, who I cherish every second of being with, who I can't get enough of even if it is just on Facebook chat, who I think is the most beautiful person to ever existed in the whole wide world (Jesus aside), who makes me laugh, who encourages me, who loves me more than I could have imagined a girl loving me.
We live in different countries, we are from different continents but we both know Jesus, we both accept Him as our Lord & Saviour and we both desire to love Him above all others. The different country thing is something we want to change but the more we find out about being in the same place, the harder we realise it will be. This has been very hard & discouraging at times and it has been especially hard the last few days as we find out even more.
We feel God has brought us together and called us together and we are trusting Him in this but it is hard for us both.
Tonight I went out to spend time with God and He showed me several things.
Firstly, I have become so consumed with the worry about this and thinking about this that I had forgotten what God has actually put me here for...to worship Him and to glorify Him. I have not been doing that in this situation.
Secondly, I have been chasing fulfillment in being in the same place as my love rather than in the arms of my first love, my true & eternal love, Jesus Christ. This has led to me being unhappy as only Christ can fulfill us and further away from glorifying Him.
Thirdly, God is SO BIG. There is nothing He cannot conquer and nothing that even comes close to standing against Him. If this is God's Will as we both believe it to be then He will make this happen in His perfect timing. It is so easy to forget that.
I feel a lot better now Praise God, He has led me back to where I need to be, where I should be which is focusing on Him and His Perfect Love and loving Him with every ounce I have and achieving what He desires me to achieve. He will sort out the rest because He is Good and can give us more than can ever hope for or imagine and He gives us good gifts. God has got this one and I look forward to seeing what He does. One day we can look back at this post and Praise God for His Power and faithfulness!
Maybe you are consumed by something that is distracting you from what you are meant to be doing, maybe you are chasing fulfillment in the wrong thing and maybe you are overlooking God's Power in the problems of life.
If that is you then maybe God is speaking to you through this post, urging you onwards to His arms where He will say, 'I got this one!'.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
I'm back!
Matthew 11:16-18
“To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others:
“‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance;we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’
“To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others:
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”
I read this passage today and boy is it true of much of our world today as it was 2000 years ago.
These people want people to treat them like God. People cannot stand not getting their own way, even in the slightest, and don't care who they hurt in getting what they want.
They will treat people like dirt and then get offended when the same treatment comes to them (you reap what you sow people!)
They treat God the same way, unless He dances to their tune they are not interested.
I debate people online and no matter what you say, no matter what you prove, they will come up with something to enable them to continue to suppress the knowledge of God in their lives. Just as they did 2000 years ago.
There is only one God, and it certainly isn't any one of us. I know it's not me. I constantly fail, forget things, make mistakes, do things for the wrong motives...and I know we all do!
God will never dance to our tune, in fact it is us that needs to dance to His.
God made us, He has a plan for us and so many of us just want to throw back into His face, we have all affronted Him with her actions.
Yet, despite knowing this, God gave His own Son as a willing sacrifice to save us from the deep pit of mistakes we find ourselves in.
Let's stop putting ourselves above God, let's show respect for others and let's dance to the right tune!
Thursday, 1 March 2012
The War of Life
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Sir Winston Churchill |
These are words that WERE NOT spoken by Sir Winston Churchill about World War Two:-
'It was one of the best periods of my life, the war. All the brutality, death, hate, disagreement...it was so much fun to lead it. I was really sad when it all ended.'
Why didn't he say this? Because NOBODY in their right mind loves war!
But war is the situation we all find ourselves in. Deep down in our souls the battle between what were made to be and what we selfishly want to be rages on. We want to be popular, attractive, happy, rich and have everything we need or want and will stamp on anyone to get there. God has a better plan, put your trust in Him and you will find true happiness and the other stuff often comes along as well. CS Lewis puts it wonderfully, 'Aim at Heaven and you'll get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you'll get neither'.
This battle is what Paul referred to as the 'struggle against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.' (Ephesians 6:12, paraphrased). We want things that bring us pleasure, even if they are only short term, even if they hurt others, but God wants what is truly best for us and for everyone.
Some give in and let the selfish desires reign, and wonder why true happiness eludes them.
Others struggle to figure what is right and what is wrong and which way to go, they do the thing that seems right to them but that doesn't always make it the right thing.
I feel, even as a Christian, that I have been in both of those camps. But there is a third camp I want to be a part of and just felt called towards when spending time with God last night.
This camp is a camp that depends on God for everything. Knowledge, provision, guidance and strength. This camp prays and waits on God.
I think it's amazingly true that whatever the question is, prayer is the answer. Prayer is our biggest weapon in the war of this world. When I feel low, when I feel like I'm losing, when I feel that it's impossible...prayer is where I let God in and He just has this astonishing way of showing you the way out or making a way for you. He never lets us down.
The biggest reason I fail in anything in life is because of a lack of prayer. They say 'Fail to prepare, prepare to fail'. The ultimate preparation for anything is to pray so I have decided to rephrase the quote- Fail to pray, prepare to fail.
One of my favourite proverbs is Proverbs 16:3 which says, 'Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans'.
Give your plans for today, tomorrow and your future to God...your plans to grow closer to Him, your plans to come through the hard times, your plans to be a better person, your very plans themselves and see what He does. He has never let me down when I have turned to Him, just need to work on turning to Him more often.
Too many Christians like myself are losing the spiritual battle, I'm missing out on so much. When I pray my problems seep away, God gives my great advice, encouragement and blessing and I couldn't be more full of joy afterwards. Let's turn this battle around, let's pray like there is a war going on...because there is.
Monday, 20 February 2012
“Preach the gospel at all times; when necessary, use words”
St Francis of Assisi
I was thinking about this inspirational quote tonight. This quote has been a comfort and encouragement to many Christians over the years, myself included, and I still think highly of it BUT....
I realise that this quote holds me back sometimes, like it's okay not to tell people about Jesus and the amazing things He has done because I can just do it through my actions. I justify my silence by telling myself that it's okay because surely I am showing them through my actions.
Whilst we need to shine the light of God through our actions, it doesn't make up for or replace speaking the amazing truth of Jesus into the lives of those we run into, whether one-off's or regularly.
Of course we must remain wise and must never be forceful with this truth. If people don't want to know then we should pray for them and wait for God to bring them to a point where they are interested and be ready then.
But we should also remember that people we know and love are going to miss out on eternity, and that's a truth I cannot bear. I'd rather risk people's hatred now for trying to help them find God than risk them not being in Eternity.
Telling people takes courage, being a Christian takes courage. Pray for me and those who know he truth of Jesus that we may have courage and the right words to lead people to the best news in the world - Jesus Saves.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Who does he think he is?
"I was kind of in a bad mood and when he brings on [Nigel] de Jong and takes off [Edin] Dzeko, and we're losing 2-0, I thought it was a defensive substitution so I decided to sit back on the bench," he said.
"At the same time Dzeko comes off and is really angry and has a go at Mancini. He then sees the tunnel is closed so he has to sit down next to him and they start to have an argument.
"Dzeko was speaking Bosnian and Mancini would swear at him in Italian so it was a real mess. So I go and sit down and he doesn't see me because he's having this discussion. But then he turns around and sees me and you can imagine what happens.
"He's in the middle of an argument so then he tells me to keep on warming up and treats me like a dog.
"So when he spoke to me in that tone of voice, and I said 'No, I'm not going out'. So I was willing to play, but the coach was in such a foul mood because he had that argument with Dzeko.
These were the words of Carlo Tevez, Premier League leaders Manchester City's around £200,000 a week striker who is currently on strike having been disciplined for the refusal he outlined above.
I couldn't believe the cheek of his words, refusing to warm up just because his boss spoke to him rudely. If my boss asked me to do something rudely, I might be irritated but I would do it because ultimately he is the one who signs my cheque, a cheque which is around 1/800th of Tevez's weekly wage. It would take me 20 years to earn what he does in a week.
But this is the world we live in today. The common mindset is that it is all about us, we treat ourselves like God and anybody or anything that doesn't fit in with our desires is rejected.
G.K. Chesterton said, 'For when we cease to worship God, we do not worship nothing, we worship anything'. In today's selfish world that includes ourselves, woman, drink, drugs, careers, sports team and many other unworthy things.
When we seek proof for the existence of God, we put God on trial. And guess who is the judge? We make ourselves God and even if we find the proof we need it still isn't good enough because when we see something negative it brings us back down. There is plenty of great, reliable evidence for God and plenty of good answers to the difficult questions but when we depend on our own judgement alone we will never submit to God in our lives. Submitting to God means denying our own judgement and trusting Him alone regardless of what we hear and see, making Him God of our lives.
We know He is real, let's truly put our trust in Him :-)
The greatest act of faith takes place when a man finally decides that he is not God.Johann Wolfgang Goethe
The greatest act of faith takes place when a man finally decides that he is not God.Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Tug of the Heart
Happy Valentines Day everyone, whether you are single, taken, married or whatever! Hope everyone had an excuse to smile at least once today (we have one everyday in Jesus!) :-)
My one gripe about Valentines Day is the negative comments on Facebook from people. This was my first Valentines with someone this year (none of my previous relationships occurred over Valentines before!) but even in previous years I was happy just to see others be happy with each other. I didn't see the need to be negative.
This year there were a tonne of derogatory comments on Facebook and I realised that many of the comments were just attempts to hide how people really felt, that they did care about Valentines and having someone to share it with but they didn't want to show it. The ones who didn't post anything negative at all were more convincing to be honest ;)
This reminded me of the spiritual struggle we all have but particularly of the ones Atheists have. The Bible makes it clear in Romans 1:18-20 that there is no excuse for those who claim not to know God. Everybody knows there is a God but because they don't want to know Him they fight it.
Every article about Christianity on BBC News is littered with comments from Atheists belittling the faith and the British Humanist Association always seem to get to comment on them (so much for the BBC being down the middle). Why do these guys care so much? If you really don't believe in a God (and they do, they just don't want to admit it) when why does it bother you so much that some do? Seeing them fight it so much is great proof to me that they really do think there is a God. Those who don't seem to care are a lot more convincing!
Don't fight the truth in your heart any longer, you don't need to...
"The atheist can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find a policeman." Author Unknown
My one gripe about Valentines Day is the negative comments on Facebook from people. This was my first Valentines with someone this year (none of my previous relationships occurred over Valentines before!) but even in previous years I was happy just to see others be happy with each other. I didn't see the need to be negative.
This year there were a tonne of derogatory comments on Facebook and I realised that many of the comments were just attempts to hide how people really felt, that they did care about Valentines and having someone to share it with but they didn't want to show it. The ones who didn't post anything negative at all were more convincing to be honest ;)
This reminded me of the spiritual struggle we all have but particularly of the ones Atheists have. The Bible makes it clear in Romans 1:18-20 that there is no excuse for those who claim not to know God. Everybody knows there is a God but because they don't want to know Him they fight it.
Every article about Christianity on BBC News is littered with comments from Atheists belittling the faith and the British Humanist Association always seem to get to comment on them (so much for the BBC being down the middle). Why do these guys care so much? If you really don't believe in a God (and they do, they just don't want to admit it) when why does it bother you so much that some do? Seeing them fight it so much is great proof to me that they really do think there is a God. Those who don't seem to care are a lot more convincing!
Don't fight the truth in your heart any longer, you don't need to...
"The atheist can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find a policeman." Author Unknown
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Is this what we were meant to be?
Reading through the news took me to a really sad story and an indication of how messed up our world has become.
A 20 year old girl getting so drunk at a themed night (ironically called 'Misbehaviour') in a Cardiff nightclub that she stripped off completely during a 'Innocent' wet t-shirt contest whilst being egged on by the crowd.
One 'fan' wrote 'She just got drunk and naked for a bit of banter. No biggie'. I wonder if her family, future husband and future children share that sentiment. Imagine it was your daughter/girlfriend/wife. It is a 'biggie' really isn't it?
This just sums up how I feel about Britain right now. How many people actually truly care about each other? Not by their words - How are you doing? (and I ask that way too often without truly caring - to me truly caring is not just accepting okay for an answer if you know something is wrong and trying to do something about it to help them!) - but by loving on people as ourselves, like Jesus commanded (Matthew 22:39 is one of a few occasions in the Bible). I would love to see a Britain where people truly thought about others and blessed others rather than just pay fake respect to each other, if even that for some.
Who was looking out for this girl? Everyone just wanted a bit of pleasure, as if life is all about enjoying yourself with no consideration for others and for the God that made you that many suppress. (yes, there is no such thing as an atheist, everyone knows God exists - Romans 1:18-20 - and are suppressing the truth because it doesn't quite fit in with their idea for life) I am all for enjoying life, but I have tried without and with God and I know where true enjoyment comes. Not in the perverted, selfish and sensual orientations of today's world but in the joyful, selfless and loving arms of Jesus Christ. It's actually scientifically proven as well! Yes, I said His Name..sue me! (I believe a Christian will go to prison in this country for standing for their faith in the next ten years, free speech and belief is getting this suppressed here)
This is a challenge for me also, when praying about this I felt God telling me to lead by example. If I want to see others care about people then I need to care about people so ridiculously that people take notice and are inspired that way themselves. Not everyone will take notice but some will and lives will be changed and God's Kingdom would come further on this earth. Incentive enough?
The Bible is all about examples, from the good but tainted such as Abraham, Moses & David to the tainted but changed Jacob & Paul to the perfect example of Jesus.
This society drives me crazy, from the way it denies and buries God when every argument against God assumes God through the assumption of the laws of logic, (Ask any Atheist how he knows anything and watch him squirm, you cannot claim to know anything without confessing the existence of God - I am happy for an atheist to come and debate this!), from the way it takes a pleasurable drink (for some) such as beer or wine, drink way too much of it..wrecking their bodies, their relationships, their minds and their lives pretending it's cool whilst doing so. If you need alcohol to have fun and be confident, you have serious issues.
To continue this rant, the word 'banter' is getting out of hand. I am not against fun between friends, but when this 'fun' involves serious repercussions that will affect them their whole life (as for the 20 year old Glamorgan student) you have to question whether you are treating that person as a friend or your worst enemy. True banter is fun for everyone, not just you!
God Loves us, God sent us Jesus, Jesus told us to love each other, we love each other. God Loves us...this is the true circle of life.
If you want to become a Christian, have questions, not sure, need prayer or want to talk about anything just Facebook me, tweet me @mjw6150, e-mail me: mjw6150@hotmail.com
God Bless you all, God wants us to change the world, to change our lives...He can do anything, therefore we can do it!
Love and Blessings :-)
A 20 year old girl getting so drunk at a themed night (ironically called 'Misbehaviour') in a Cardiff nightclub that she stripped off completely during a 'Innocent' wet t-shirt contest whilst being egged on by the crowd.
One 'fan' wrote 'She just got drunk and naked for a bit of banter. No biggie'. I wonder if her family, future husband and future children share that sentiment. Imagine it was your daughter/girlfriend/wife. It is a 'biggie' really isn't it?
This just sums up how I feel about Britain right now. How many people actually truly care about each other? Not by their words - How are you doing? (and I ask that way too often without truly caring - to me truly caring is not just accepting okay for an answer if you know something is wrong and trying to do something about it to help them!) - but by loving on people as ourselves, like Jesus commanded (Matthew 22:39 is one of a few occasions in the Bible). I would love to see a Britain where people truly thought about others and blessed others rather than just pay fake respect to each other, if even that for some.
Who was looking out for this girl? Everyone just wanted a bit of pleasure, as if life is all about enjoying yourself with no consideration for others and for the God that made you that many suppress. (yes, there is no such thing as an atheist, everyone knows God exists - Romans 1:18-20 - and are suppressing the truth because it doesn't quite fit in with their idea for life) I am all for enjoying life, but I have tried without and with God and I know where true enjoyment comes. Not in the perverted, selfish and sensual orientations of today's world but in the joyful, selfless and loving arms of Jesus Christ. It's actually scientifically proven as well! Yes, I said His Name..sue me! (I believe a Christian will go to prison in this country for standing for their faith in the next ten years, free speech and belief is getting this suppressed here)
This is a challenge for me also, when praying about this I felt God telling me to lead by example. If I want to see others care about people then I need to care about people so ridiculously that people take notice and are inspired that way themselves. Not everyone will take notice but some will and lives will be changed and God's Kingdom would come further on this earth. Incentive enough?
The Bible is all about examples, from the good but tainted such as Abraham, Moses & David to the tainted but changed Jacob & Paul to the perfect example of Jesus.
This society drives me crazy, from the way it denies and buries God when every argument against God assumes God through the assumption of the laws of logic, (Ask any Atheist how he knows anything and watch him squirm, you cannot claim to know anything without confessing the existence of God - I am happy for an atheist to come and debate this!), from the way it takes a pleasurable drink (for some) such as beer or wine, drink way too much of it..wrecking their bodies, their relationships, their minds and their lives pretending it's cool whilst doing so. If you need alcohol to have fun and be confident, you have serious issues.
To continue this rant, the word 'banter' is getting out of hand. I am not against fun between friends, but when this 'fun' involves serious repercussions that will affect them their whole life (as for the 20 year old Glamorgan student) you have to question whether you are treating that person as a friend or your worst enemy. True banter is fun for everyone, not just you!
God Loves us, God sent us Jesus, Jesus told us to love each other, we love each other. God Loves us...this is the true circle of life.
If you want to become a Christian, have questions, not sure, need prayer or want to talk about anything just Facebook me, tweet me @mjw6150, e-mail me: mjw6150@hotmail.com
God Bless you all, God wants us to change the world, to change our lives...He can do anything, therefore we can do it!
Love and Blessings :-)
Friday, 27 January 2012
A-Z of Christianity 'K'
Disney World Castle in Orlando, Florida |
As most of you who know me will know I had the privilege of going to Orlando, Florida for New Year just gone. The trip was memorable for many, many reasons and one of those reasons was getting to go to Disney World in Orlando.
Even at the ancient age of 23 it was exciting to go there and I wasn't disappointed, really enjoying the experience of seeing the characters, going on the rides and getting the full Disney experience. We only had the time to visit the Magic Kingdom and Downtown Disney as it is such a big 'world'. What struck me is that it is almost like another world (hence the name Disney World I suppose!). My girlfriend calls it 'the happiest place on earth' and she isn't far right in many ways, everything is geared towards making the park that way to visitors.
I was reminded that when we make God King of our lives by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior we become a part of His Kingdom.
The Bible says in Galatians 3:26 that we are all sons of God through Christ Jesus. As a son we have an inheritance which, in Hebrews 9:15, is described as 'eternal'.
If we make Jesus our Lord and Savior we not only inherit eternal life but we have an inheritance in Heaven to look forward too, which is spoken of in 1 Peter 1:3-5...
'Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
The Bible says in Galatians 3:26 that we are all sons of God through Christ Jesus. As a son we have an inheritance which, in Hebrews 9:15, is described as 'eternal'.
If we make Jesus our Lord and Savior we not only inherit eternal life but we have an inheritance in Heaven to look forward too, which is spoken of in 1 Peter 1:3-5...
'Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade— kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.'
The choice of choosing to trust God or not is the biggest choice of your life because no other choice has so much depend on it. Don't write God off. He wants to know you, He loves you with a crazy love that led Him to take the sickening punishment our sins deserved. He wants to bless your life beyond your wildest imagination. He wants you to spend eternity with Him. You can look everywhere but you won't find anything more important or amazing than this on earth :)
In the Old Testament it says:-
Deuteronomy 5:29
Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children for ever!
Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children for ever!
It's impossible to keep all the commands but Jesus has covered us on that one, let's trust God today and see what He does in our lives. I've seen Him do amazing things in my life and others lives and I promise that those who choose to fully trust Him will not be disappointed :)
Join the Kingdom today!
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Courageous Christianity
I must begin with apologies for the lack of blog action recently. I have been very busy and sometimes it is also nice to have a break and refresh myself, watching Cardiff City get to the Carling Cup final last night being a particular highlight since my last post!
Last year I made the theme for my blog, 'Love' and whilst I didn't write every post about that I really hope that my posts inspired you to increase in your love for God and your love for the people He created.
This year I want to start a different theme (but please be encouraged to keep up the love!) and it is one I feel very passionate about.
We live in a world today that is very resistant in an almost militant way towards Christianity and we also live in a world where we see Christianity represented so badly by many. I feel it is time for Christianity, the people of God, to be brave. That's why this year I want to write about Courageous Christianity.
Mark Twain sums up today's world by saying, 'It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.'
To understand more clearly what I mean by courage I have a few more quotes:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon
Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared. ~Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
I think Dan Rather sums up courage the most accurately in my view 'Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow'
I feel that too many times in my life I hold onto things instead of God, I focus on other things that comfort me instead of God. This may comfort me but it doesn't give me the joy that focusing on the One who Loves me perfectly and gave His own life to save me. It's easy to let the emotions of music and a football match, whether positive or negative take us over. I need to be courageous and fight the inbuilt selfish desire for an easy life and let God reign over all.
Last year I made the theme for my blog, 'Love' and whilst I didn't write every post about that I really hope that my posts inspired you to increase in your love for God and your love for the people He created.
This year I want to start a different theme (but please be encouraged to keep up the love!) and it is one I feel very passionate about.
We live in a world today that is very resistant in an almost militant way towards Christianity and we also live in a world where we see Christianity represented so badly by many. I feel it is time for Christianity, the people of God, to be brave. That's why this year I want to write about Courageous Christianity.
Mark Twain sums up today's world by saying, 'It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.'
To understand more clearly what I mean by courage I have a few more quotes:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon
Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared. ~Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
I think Dan Rather sums up courage the most accurately in my view 'Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow'
There are many things in life that demand our attention, that demand our reverance and priority. I know in my own experience that I can get so swamped with my hobbies that I forget to pay significant attention to the really important thing in my life, which is Jesus.
I feel that too many times in my life I hold onto things instead of God, I focus on other things that comfort me instead of God. This may comfort me but it doesn't give me the joy that focusing on the One who Loves me perfectly and gave His own life to save me. It's easy to let the emotions of music and a football match, whether positive or negative take us over. I need to be courageous and fight the inbuilt selfish desire for an easy life and let God reign over all.
Paul puts it wonderfully in 2 Corinthians 10:5, 'We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.'
This probably doesn't sound very courageous but I really think it is, let's make it our effort in 2012 to give all of our lives, thoughts including the comforting rights to God, the one who truly cares and has the power to take care of all our worries and stresses.
Monday, 9 January 2012
The blessings of Prayer
Tonight was the first night of achieving one of my New Year's Resolutions to spend one night of my normal week with God in prayer, Bible study and reading. It went very well I am pleased to say and I am feeling the blessings already. When I commit time to God I always feel more at peace and always learn something about myself, about what I need to do/change or am just really encouraged by God.
I wanted to share a quote that really blessed me and challenged me about the benefits prayer brings :)
'Where was it that Jesus sweat great drops of blood? Not in Pilate's Hall, nor on his way to Golgotha. It was in the Garden of Gethsemane. There He 'offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could cave him from death' (Hebrews 5:7). Had I been there and witnessed that struggle, I would have worried about the future. 'If he is so broken up when all he is doing is praying,' I might have said, 'what will he do when he faces a real crisis? Why can't he approach this ordeal with the calm confidence of his three sleeping friends? Yet, when the test came, Jesus walked to the cross with courage, and his three friends fell apart and fell away.'
Haddon Robinson quoted in 'Prayer' by Philip Yancey
Don't fall apart or fall away, be strong and courageous in Jesus :) Last year my official theme was Love, this year it will be largely be courage. I want to be more courageous in serving God and I hope you can join me on this journey.
I wanted to share a quote that really blessed me and challenged me about the benefits prayer brings :)
'Where was it that Jesus sweat great drops of blood? Not in Pilate's Hall, nor on his way to Golgotha. It was in the Garden of Gethsemane. There He 'offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could cave him from death' (Hebrews 5:7). Had I been there and witnessed that struggle, I would have worried about the future. 'If he is so broken up when all he is doing is praying,' I might have said, 'what will he do when he faces a real crisis? Why can't he approach this ordeal with the calm confidence of his three sleeping friends? Yet, when the test came, Jesus walked to the cross with courage, and his three friends fell apart and fell away.'
Haddon Robinson quoted in 'Prayer' by Philip Yancey
Don't fall apart or fall away, be strong and courageous in Jesus :) Last year my official theme was Love, this year it will be largely be courage. I want to be more courageous in serving God and I hope you can join me on this journey.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Taking a Rest
So I've been back a couple of days now and still I'm tired! I've only just woke up from a nap and am about to go back to sleep for the night.
I just want to share something that I've realised the last few days. I don't take enough rest in my life.
I have lots of nights in and time at home where I decline to go out so I can 'rest' but one thing this New Year adventure has shown me is that rest is so much more than just not going out. Ironically going the furthest I will go all year has shown me that!
Often when 'resting'..I'll end up doing so much in the house. I could write Compassion Letters, blog, chat with friends at home but neglecting the things that make up true rest...prayer, sleep...things that don't require a lot of body and mind movement or things where God can just revitalise you :-)
Since I've got back from America, I realised how getting away from everything has helped refresh me whole. Even though I'm physically tired, I can fix that (and will do in bed now!) but my mental and spiritual tiredness is gone!
I don't know what everyone's New Years Resolutions are but here are mine:-
1. Try to finally stop biting my nails!
2. To give a night to God every 'normal' week this year. ('Normal' being weeks that I haven't got things like Camp or unavoidable activities every night)
Hopefully these nights will help me rest spiritually and also help me rest mentally through the power of God and through just not doing much but not doing much with Him!
What are your New Years Resolutions? I don't normally like them as if they are important enough you should do them anyway , regardless, but I can see the extra motivation a New Year and a fresh start can bring you.
Praise God for 2012!
I just want to share something that I've realised the last few days. I don't take enough rest in my life.
I have lots of nights in and time at home where I decline to go out so I can 'rest' but one thing this New Year adventure has shown me is that rest is so much more than just not going out. Ironically going the furthest I will go all year has shown me that!
Often when 'resting'..I'll end up doing so much in the house. I could write Compassion Letters, blog, chat with friends at home but neglecting the things that make up true rest...prayer, sleep...things that don't require a lot of body and mind movement or things where God can just revitalise you :-)
Since I've got back from America, I realised how getting away from everything has helped refresh me whole. Even though I'm physically tired, I can fix that (and will do in bed now!) but my mental and spiritual tiredness is gone!
I don't know what everyone's New Years Resolutions are but here are mine:-
1. Try to finally stop biting my nails!
2. To give a night to God every 'normal' week this year. ('Normal' being weeks that I haven't got things like Camp or unavoidable activities every night)
Hopefully these nights will help me rest spiritually and also help me rest mentally through the power of God and through just not doing much but not doing much with Him!
What are your New Years Resolutions? I don't normally like them as if they are important enough you should do them anyway , regardless, but I can see the extra motivation a New Year and a fresh start can bring you.
Praise God for 2012!
Monday, 2 January 2012
Florida Day Seven & Eight
As I am leaving tomorrow this will be my last post. I am so very sad to leave as I have been made to feel very welcome and very much at home here. I draw comfort from feeling it won't be the last time here and knowing that God has the future in His Hands for I don't know what the future holds but I know who holds the future!
Last night we had supper with Caitlin's parents and her Grandad and I got to try many new things such as hash brown casserole (great idea!), black eyed peas (yes, it's a food!!!) and collard greens! It was lovely! We then watched 'Soul Surfer' a film about a real life story of how God's promises about having our future secure and that all things will work for good are true and reliable promises! It was great :)
Today has been mainly about visiting people Caitlin needed to see before she went home, as she leaves Florida the day after me (albeit stopping by in North Carolina for a few days first). We saw some very sweet people! One house we went too was a big farm like house, very pretty. It was in the middle of nowhere and it felt very relaxing to be there. They were a lovely family, the father and son had built this big truck with seats on and we went for a ride through the forest there. This was a lot of fun!
Before this we had enjoyed lunch with her other Grandparents at an Italian restaurant. I have enjoyed meeting all her Grandparents. They are sweet, lovely and faithful believers in Christ.
We also went to see the Bobo family, although the older son and father weren't there we had a nice chat and some fun with Christi the mother and the other five kids!
We then went to an all you can eat place with Caitlin's parents and her Grandad which was the usual episode of me eating too much!
Now we're about to watch the last Harry Potter movie together :)
Tomorrow we are going to have lunch with Caitlin's Grandad, see a little girl from her Church and then head to Orlando to have one final meal before I leave to go back home. It is sure to be a sad goodbye but I will look forward to saying hello again lots!!!
This has been a super amazing week, far better than my wildest dreams. Me & Caitlin have had such a great time together and I have enjoyed every moment of being with her, as I always do! I feel a part of the family and have got to know and love all of the close relatives and friends that I have met. I want to thank them all for this kindness and thank the Lord for His usual party trick of doing more for me than I can imagine.
We have such a great God! :)
Psalm 56:4In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Florida Days Three to Six!
Well I have to begin by saying - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
2011 has been a year of change for me in good ways and bad ways and it feels very nice to start a new year where I can leave the bad behind and take the good with me into 2012 :) I hope everyone else feels the same and is able to do that. I think we dwell too much on the past and what has happened when I think God often wants us to concentrate on the now, how much He loves us NOW, how lots of our bad stuff is behind us NOW and how we can trust Him for the future NOW. That's my mini rant! :)
I must apologise for the lack of post the last few days, we have been away for most of it and I've had no opportunity to write.
So here goes!! The night after my last post we went to a restaurant by a beautiful big lake in Sebring. Me & Caitlin got some photos on the dock there. The food was really nice, I opted for home comforts with fish & chips and I can count it among the best fish & chips I have ever had! Caitlin's Dad tried the Fish Sandwich challenge and made an admirable effort but ultimately fell short. I think the challenge was designed to be pretty much impossible unless you wanted to die so we're all glad he fell short! For the first time, I tried a 'Gator Tail'. It was slightly concerning to eat alligator tail but it was very nice. It was breadcrumbed like a chicken nugget and tasted like a chicken nugget too. I give it a thumbs up! We watched American Football with Caitlin's Grandad and his wife and step grand-daughter (who was mega cute and fun!) who also came to the meal with us and it was relaxing despite me having to go to bed early due to tiredness!
The next day Caitlin showed me around the town of Lake Placid, which didn't take long! Her Mom wanted her to show me the murals there but apparently it's a horrific travelling experience so she didn't haha.
We (Me, Caitlin, her parents and her younger brother) then went up to Orlando and checked in at this beautiful hotel at Orange Lake. It is surely a four star place, maybe even five. It has a big swimming pool like the ones we used to go to as a family at France. We went and saw this beautiful beach and then went into Downtown Disney, looked around the shops, met Goofy and had our photo and ate at the Rainforest Cafe!! It's apparently a famous place and the prices confirmed that! It is set up like a rainforest even to the tune of it being really cold (suited me fine as a Welshman!). Randomly the lights would go out and a storm sound would roar across the restaurant!! It was a lot of fun!
The next day was DISNEY! We spent the day in the Magic Kingdom and it was a child's dream! The child inside of me was awakened in a big way and I absolutely loved the whole experience. It is like another Universe there, a big happy all-singing, all-dancing Universe and you can't help but smile there. In the night the big castle changed colours which was spectacular! I thought if Disney can make a world like this, imagine how great a world God has in store for us when we leave the earth?
My favourite rides were, firstly, the Splash Mountain, which sent you hurtling down a water shoot and get wet. None of the rides were as fast or exciting as even the big ones at Oakwood but at Disney it's about the story and experience of the rides. It also has to be useful for young children too, as they are what it's ultimately for!
Secondly I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. It was a boat trip through a town that had been invaded by Pirates and apparently inspired the film as it was there before it (although they have now added Jack Sparrow to the ride!) but the best bit was the sea. It really felt like you were in the middle of an Ocean, it was incredible!! Plus the boats around you were firing at each other, water was coming up and everything!
We managed to catch the Parade and go on 90% of the attractions and it was a day I'll never forget!
The next day we wandered around Orlando after watching the Man Utd/Blackburn game at 8 am with Caitlin's Dad (great match!!) and enjoyed a more slowly placed day. On the way home we went to Spook Hill, a mountain which apparently created an illusion you were going downhill when you were going uphill which I didn't quite feel haha. We also, in tribute to my country, went to Lake Wales..another beautiful Lake where we had fun taking pictures.
We saw in the New Year with Caitlin's Mom, Dad, Grandad and his wife and step grand-daughter (Caitlin's brother, Ian, had gone to Bahamas with some friends) with a fire, fireworks and fun family time.
Today we've been to Church which was really encouraging. I really loved the welcome feel, the Soul Survivor style worship and a great message on loving your brothers and sisters who are serve God. Spending time getting closer to God, feeling His Presence and knowing the reality of His Love and Promises is always time well spent!
It will be a slower placed day today, we are about to go swimming in the back garden! It is over 30 degrees C here, I imagine that is a contrast to Britain right now!
Having as wonderful, wonderful time, it's been absolutely amazing and more than I ever imagined. I have really enjoyed her family's company and I feel a part of the family already!
Going to miss this a lot the next few months!
Grace, Peace and Blessings to you all!
Love Michael :)
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
2011 has been a year of change for me in good ways and bad ways and it feels very nice to start a new year where I can leave the bad behind and take the good with me into 2012 :) I hope everyone else feels the same and is able to do that. I think we dwell too much on the past and what has happened when I think God often wants us to concentrate on the now, how much He loves us NOW, how lots of our bad stuff is behind us NOW and how we can trust Him for the future NOW. That's my mini rant! :)
I must apologise for the lack of post the last few days, we have been away for most of it and I've had no opportunity to write.
So here goes!! The night after my last post we went to a restaurant by a beautiful big lake in Sebring. Me & Caitlin got some photos on the dock there. The food was really nice, I opted for home comforts with fish & chips and I can count it among the best fish & chips I have ever had! Caitlin's Dad tried the Fish Sandwich challenge and made an admirable effort but ultimately fell short. I think the challenge was designed to be pretty much impossible unless you wanted to die so we're all glad he fell short! For the first time, I tried a 'Gator Tail'. It was slightly concerning to eat alligator tail but it was very nice. It was breadcrumbed like a chicken nugget and tasted like a chicken nugget too. I give it a thumbs up! We watched American Football with Caitlin's Grandad and his wife and step grand-daughter (who was mega cute and fun!) who also came to the meal with us and it was relaxing despite me having to go to bed early due to tiredness!
The next day Caitlin showed me around the town of Lake Placid, which didn't take long! Her Mom wanted her to show me the murals there but apparently it's a horrific travelling experience so she didn't haha.
We (Me, Caitlin, her parents and her younger brother) then went up to Orlando and checked in at this beautiful hotel at Orange Lake. It is surely a four star place, maybe even five. It has a big swimming pool like the ones we used to go to as a family at France. We went and saw this beautiful beach and then went into Downtown Disney, looked around the shops, met Goofy and had our photo and ate at the Rainforest Cafe!! It's apparently a famous place and the prices confirmed that! It is set up like a rainforest even to the tune of it being really cold (suited me fine as a Welshman!). Randomly the lights would go out and a storm sound would roar across the restaurant!! It was a lot of fun!
The next day was DISNEY! We spent the day in the Magic Kingdom and it was a child's dream! The child inside of me was awakened in a big way and I absolutely loved the whole experience. It is like another Universe there, a big happy all-singing, all-dancing Universe and you can't help but smile there. In the night the big castle changed colours which was spectacular! I thought if Disney can make a world like this, imagine how great a world God has in store for us when we leave the earth?
My favourite rides were, firstly, the Splash Mountain, which sent you hurtling down a water shoot and get wet. None of the rides were as fast or exciting as even the big ones at Oakwood but at Disney it's about the story and experience of the rides. It also has to be useful for young children too, as they are what it's ultimately for!
Secondly I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. It was a boat trip through a town that had been invaded by Pirates and apparently inspired the film as it was there before it (although they have now added Jack Sparrow to the ride!) but the best bit was the sea. It really felt like you were in the middle of an Ocean, it was incredible!! Plus the boats around you were firing at each other, water was coming up and everything!
We managed to catch the Parade and go on 90% of the attractions and it was a day I'll never forget!
The next day we wandered around Orlando after watching the Man Utd/Blackburn game at 8 am with Caitlin's Dad (great match!!) and enjoyed a more slowly placed day. On the way home we went to Spook Hill, a mountain which apparently created an illusion you were going downhill when you were going uphill which I didn't quite feel haha. We also, in tribute to my country, went to Lake Wales..another beautiful Lake where we had fun taking pictures.
We saw in the New Year with Caitlin's Mom, Dad, Grandad and his wife and step grand-daughter (Caitlin's brother, Ian, had gone to Bahamas with some friends) with a fire, fireworks and fun family time.
Today we've been to Church which was really encouraging. I really loved the welcome feel, the Soul Survivor style worship and a great message on loving your brothers and sisters who are serve God. Spending time getting closer to God, feeling His Presence and knowing the reality of His Love and Promises is always time well spent!
It will be a slower placed day today, we are about to go swimming in the back garden! It is over 30 degrees C here, I imagine that is a contrast to Britain right now!
Having as wonderful, wonderful time, it's been absolutely amazing and more than I ever imagined. I have really enjoyed her family's company and I feel a part of the family already!
Going to miss this a lot the next few months!
Grace, Peace and Blessings to you all!
Love Michael :)
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
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