Saturday, 7 January 2012

Taking a Rest

So I've been back a couple of days now and still I'm tired! I've only just woke up from a nap and am about to go back to sleep for the night.

I just want to share something that I've realised the last few days. I don't take enough rest in my life.

I have lots of nights in and time at home where I decline to go out so I can 'rest' but one thing this New Year adventure has shown me is that rest is so much more than just not going out. Ironically going the furthest I will go all year has shown me that!

Often when 'resting'..I'll end up doing so much in the house. I could write Compassion Letters, blog, chat with friends at home but neglecting the things that make up true rest...prayer, sleep...things that don't require a lot of body and mind movement or things where God can just revitalise you :-)

Since I've got back from America, I realised how getting away from everything has helped refresh me whole. Even though I'm physically tired, I can fix that (and will do in bed now!) but my mental and spiritual tiredness is gone!

I don't know what everyone's New Years Resolutions are but here are mine:-

1. Try to finally stop biting my nails!
2. To give a night to God every 'normal' week this year. ('Normal' being weeks that I haven't got things like Camp or unavoidable activities every night)

Hopefully these nights will help me rest spiritually and also help me rest mentally through the power of God and through just not doing much but not doing much with Him!

What are your New Years Resolutions? I don't normally like them as if they are important enough you should do them anyway , regardless, but I can see the extra motivation a New Year and a fresh start can bring you.

Praise God for 2012!

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