Monday, 10 January 2011


This is something people would say I don't have a lot of!

Christmas time brings a lot of great things best of all a timely reminder of what God has done for us. It also brings us presents, and lots of them!

This year I mainly got clothes, chocolate and a couple of computer games.

It's the clothes I want to talk about. Christmas and birthdays are a rare time for me. I don't buy clothes during the year and Christmas. I just get them on these occassions!

So I'm in fashion only a short period of time during the year. The problem I always find is that when I feel fashionable, I get very vain. I'll walk past shops and stare in the windows to make sure my hair is okay. It is stupid and I want to stop. Vanity is when we are wanting to be seen well in the eyes of the world and whilst we have to keep some sort of fashion to avoid giving a bad witness to others it shouldn't be as important as I make it in these kind of times.

I want to live for Him and know His Love and Grace however I look!

Colossians 3:2
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.


  1. My biggest problem with fashion is that tells us we all have to look the same-why? We were all made to be differently so why can't be allowed to be that way?!

    It's just another way of the world telling us that we aren't good enough!

    Thanks Mike!

  2. Absolutely!!
    Who dictates what style is or isn't anyway? We quite simply give the media way too much power in these areas.

