Friday 11 February 2011

Key Elements of Friendship #3

Creating great stories

Vince McMahon is the owner of the famous World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in America. He often appears on screen in the story lines on his TV programs. I don't know what he is like off screen but his on screen character is usually a villainous, self obsessed, deluded, power hungry & vain man. The reason I am talking about this character is that he once made a comment on TV that sums up the way some see life and live their lives as a result. The comment was:-

'Life sucks and then you die!'

Too many people live their lives accepting mediocrity, hoping something great will come to them...that some great storyline will write itself in their lives. This can be especially true in friendships, we do what we are expected too and don't go beyond that.

I have mentioned the book I read recently, 'A Million Miles In A Thousand Years' by Donald Miller, and it is all about creating great stories in our lives.

I believe to create great stories in friendships, we always have to go WAY BEYOND the call of duty. To where life is uncertain and uncomfortable but where I know, through my faith in Jesus Christ, that everything will go as He Wills. Go and visit your long distance friend, be there for people when they are down and do something crazy to cheer them up (not too crazy though! I don't want to be responsible for any injuries or deaths now!) Try to understand them even when you have no idea why they did that or didn't do that. Treat them to something unexpectedly without wanting anything in return. Go somewhere special, watch the sunset go, put the world to his book Miller mentions an ocassion when he just randomly decided to take some friends up this beautiful mountain on the way home from a trip, they were all epically tired but the sun was coming down and they ran through the fields laughing and it was something they will never forget.

Jesus lived the Greatest story ever and invited everyone to join Him. I am sure the Disciples had so many unforgettable moments with the Lord. He still invites us to join Him today. He has been the best friend ever to me and has blessed me with so many great memories. And if you don't ask....YOU DON'T GET!! :-)

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