Wednesday 9 February 2011

Key Friendship Element #1


One of my biggest pet dislikes in this entire world is this. When you challenge someone about something you think they ought to be challenged about, in love, and they just respond by accusing you of judging them.

'You're judging me!' is the biggest cop out from facing reality and dealing with possible issues in your life I can see.

Some people do judge others and I am guilty of making assumptions myself but I think there is a difference between judging and calling people out in truth.

Say for example, I see a friend of mine who professes faith drunk in the street. I know that the Bible clearly states this is not right for a Christian to do and this is the difference between Judging and truth in what I could say to this hypothetical friend.

Judging : I don't think you love Jesus because I saw you drunk. You are such a hypocrite.

Truth: I saw you out drinking the other day, do you realise the Bible condemns that?

Sadly people take the 'Truth' as judgement as well.

One of the best things I have in my life is friends who will call me out whenever they feel I am doing something wrong. I can trust them to always help me keep on the right path with God. Because there are two paths in this life, God's Way )which I find always brings happiness) or our own selfish way (which I find leaves me feeling soul-less). This, I believe, is a key element of a true friendship. It can also work on other things too, such as relationship decisions and life decisions which people of any faith can say that it is good to have friends looking out for you.

So don't be ashamed to speak to people if you feel something is wrong. The Bible calls us to do it, Jesus did it with His Disciples and where would David have got without Nathan calling him out? At the very least, if they don't listen to you or accuse you of judging, you can be sure you are not to blame if it all goes wrong for them.


  1. Hi mike, good blog post. Your a real blessing!

  2. A tough post to put out there, but nonetheless very true.

    God bless, Mike.

  3. First of all: love the picture of the little fluffy guys! So cute.

    Often people use the 'you're being judegmental' answer when they don't actually want to change their behaviour. I have a few people in my life that I reall trust and I know love me, they praise me when I've done somthing good and when I'm in the wrong they let me know. I trust them enough to know that they have my best interest at heart so no matter how hard it can be to hear sometimes, I am so thankful that I have good people to be accountable to.

    We can love someone dearly and still not condone their behaviour. That being said though I think if we are to hold others accounatble then we too must be willing to be accountable to them.

    Great post Mike!
